Full NameOrganizationCountry (Address)
Eric LanderBroad Institute of MIT and HarvardUnited States
Stephanie LiGA4ghUnited States
Melissa HaendelOregon State UniversityUnited States
Albert SmithUniversity of MichiganUnited States
Weiniu GanNHLBI/DLDUnited States
Sean HorganVerilyUnited States
Amalio TelentiVIR BiotechnologyUnited States
Natalia VolfovskySimons FoundationUnited States
Nathan OlsonNISTUnited States
Julia StoyanovichNew York UniversityUnited States
Anthony KerlavageCBIIT at the NCI of NIHUnited States
Mike Linmlin.net LLCUnited States
Larry BabbBroad InstituteUnited States
John ChiltonGalaxy ProjectUnited States
Christine SuverMsUnited States
Valerie CottonNICHD, Gabriella Miller Kids First [C]United States
Allison ProffittBio-IT WorldUnited States
Todd CrosslinSnowflakeUnited States
Kris GanjamMicrosoft GenomicsUnited States