Synergy is when two cooperating entities create a product greater than either could alone. Bringing the Data Model and Schema Consensus (DaMaSC) Study Group under the Technical Alignment Subcommittee (TASC) umbrella is expected to do just this. Both teams are focused on improving interoperability across GA4GH products, but in slightly different ways. The purpose of this session is to ensure alignment, determine how to work together, identify possible challenges, and find synergies between the two groups. We will ask participants to help us answer these questions:
- What are the potential synergies?
- What are the challenges?
- What are the best ways to engage the community and understand the interoperability and technical alignment concerns of the GA4GH community?
In the first 20 minutes, we will share the purpose and current initiatives of both teams. The next 40 minutes will focus on our questions: we will capture themes as the "lightning round" progresses, where participants will provide a brief introduction and a response to one of our three questions. In the remaining time, we will discuss the themes identified and follow up actions.
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United States