As we enter the second year of the Neuroscience Community of Interest, our community has grown to include over 50 members. Together, we've established three key theme teams focused on Education & Training, Data Governance, and Data Harmonisation & Tooling. This session will begin with a brief introduction and an update on the progress made by the theme teams over the past six months. The primary focus, however, will be to explore synergies and opportunities for collaboration between the Neuroscience Community theme teams and GA4GH Work Streams and product teams.
Key topics for discussion will include:
- Updates and next steps from the three Neuroscience Community Theme Teams.
- Neuro genomics session to identify a set of practices and materials for data governance with working groups such as the GA4GH Regulatory & Ethics Work Stream (REWS), BRIDGE, INCF, and the Data Governance Theme Team.
- Neuro genomics session to identify data harmonisation, data linking, and data security considerations and opportunities across working groups such as GA4GH Data Security Work Stream, GA4GH Beacon team, GA4GH Phenopackets team, ELIXIR, Neurobagel, and the data harmonisation Theme Team.
A significant portion of the session will focus on defining concrete next steps to adopt or adapt GA4GH standards to address neuroscience-specific use cases. We will motivate the community to invite additional members to participate with the effort to promote research and collaborations at the junction of neuroscience, genomics, and beyond.
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Cambridge, MA 02142
United States