GA4GH testbeds: a system to ensure conformance of implementations with GA4GH standards
Date & Time
Monday, September 16, 2024, 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM

The GA4GH testbed is intended to aggregate results from multiple standards and invert control of running and reporting results onto individual deployments of GA4GH standards. In addition, the testbed also forms part of a new effort from GA4GH called "GA4GH Implementations", which seeks to identify and catalogue open implementations of GA4GH standards. This workshop aims to introduce the testbed infrastructure and the GA4GH implementations effort, as well as educate attendees in how to submit a report and how to write new test suites. In addition, the session will highlight how existing tooling can be adapted to provide compatible submissions with the GA4GH testbed.

Location Name
Fairmont 2
Full Address
Park Hyatt Melbourne
1 Parliament Square, Off Parliament Pl
Melbourne VIC 3002
Virtual session link
Session chairs
Andy Yates, Chen Chen