GA4GH Product Lifecycle
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM

The product development and approval process describes GA4GH's process for developing and approving standards, but it omits the later stages of a product's life cycle, namely what happens when a product moves into a maintenance mode or needs to be retired and will no longer be actively developed. Work Streams have flagged a number of products and standards that are approaching this phase. This session will bring together interested parties to explore this space and work towards developing a set of criteria and overall process which can be applied to all GA4GH products. The output of this session will not be the final process, but a seed for further discussion. As such, those engaging in this session would hopefully continue to engage in the process.

Location Name
Park Lounge
Full Address
Park Hyatt Melbourne
1 Parliament Square, Off Parliament Pl
Melbourne VIC 3002
Virtual session link
Session chairs
Reggan Thomas, Angela Page Andy Yates, Jonathan Lawson