Full Name
Herawati Sudoyo
Job title
Principal Investigator
Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology
Speaker bio
Herawati Sudoyo (Indonesia)

Herawati Sudoyo is a Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator of the Human Genome Diversity and
Disease Division at the Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology (MRIN) since 2022. Before
joining the MRIN, she held the position as the Deputy Director of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular
Biology in Jakarta from 1992-2021 as well as the team leader of Human Genome Diversity and
Disease and Forensics DNA laboratory. She is the chairperson of Medical Science Commission of the
Indonesian Academy of Sciences.
She received a Medical Degree from University of Indonesia, Jakarta and obtained her PhD in
Biochemistry/Molecular Biology from Monash University, Australia. Her research interest is on the
molecular pathology of mitochondrially associated disorders, from rare to complex diseases and
expanding to human genetic diversity and disease epidemiology. Indonesia is home to around 700
ethnic populations, each with distinct cultural and linguistic characteristics, representing vast genome
diversity. For decades, the team had collaboration with several regional genomic consortiums and is
now focusing on the Indonesian Genome Diversity Project (IGDP) to generate diverse Indonesian
Whole Genome Sequencing data, as well as conduct metabolomics, proteomics, and other omics
studies. The project also results in insights into the human genome variation of the populations and its
association with the population structure, disease susceptibility, and disease distribution, paving the
way for future advancements in precision medicine.
She is the founding member of Asia Pacific Society of Human Genetics (APSHG) and also of the
Indonesian Biorisk Association. She served as the member of Advisory Board of Indonesian Society
Humanenetics (InaSHG), Indonesian Genomic Association (AGI) as well as consultant for Roche
Personalized Health Index within the Futureproofing Healthcare Initiative in 2020.
She earned numerous awards for her contribution of science in Indonesia, including The Australian
Alumni Award for Scientific Research and Innovation 2008, Australian Alumni of the Year 2020,
Habibie Award for Medical Science and Technology 2008, Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious
Diseases Honor Award from US CDC National Center, Toray Award, Third World Academy of Sciences
(TWAS) Fellowship for Human Genome Program among others.
Herawati Sudoyo