Full Name
Ilias Goranitis
Job title
A/Professor in Health Economics
University of Melbourne
Speaker bio
A/Prof Goranitis is the inaugural Head of the Economics of Genomics and Precision Medicine Unit within the Centre for Health Policy at the University of Melbourne, Deputy Head of the Melbourne Health Economics Group, and the Health Economics Lead of Australian Genomics. He is a Founding and Lead Convener of the Economics of Genomics and Precision Medicine working group within the international Health Economics Association and member of the Global Economics and Evaluation of Clinical Genomics Sequencing group. He has co-led guest editorials and collaborated with the World Health Organisation and World Economic Forum on topics related to the health economics of genomic medicine. A/Prof Goranitis has pioneered the application of health economics methods to measure the value and value for money of genomic medicine and his findings have informed national health policy and international guidelines. He actively supports capacity-building efforts to advance the application and relevance of health economics for the cost-effective and value-based implementation of genomics and precision medicine into clinical practice.
Ilias Goranitis