Nextflow Tower: Bringing GA4GH WES to Nextflow

Nextflow Tower is a web-based interface for monitoring and launching of Nextflow workflows, which now includes support for GA4GH Workflow Execution Service (WES). Nextflow is one of the leading bioinformatics workflow management systems, and WES support is a significant step forward in the adoption of GA4GH standards for the community. Tower provides both rich monitoring, and a streamlined interface for launching and managing workflow runs in a user’s own cloud computing environment. An exciting new feature of Tower is the ability to launch a managed AWS Batch environment for workflow runs with minimal configuration by the user, including support of advanced features such as Amazon FSx for Lustre. This enables researchers to scale their workflows easily to address the ever growing computational needs without requiring extensive cloud infrastructure expertise. Additional managed support for cloud computing services is under active development, and manual configuration of Google Life Sciences and AWS Batch is also currently available. Tower provides the ability to create and manage multiple compute environments on one or more cloud computing services. Once configured, pipelines can be easily launched on any compute environment, including via the WES API. Tower can be both deployed and launch workflows in a user’s own cloud environment providing complete control and retention of sensitive data in controlled environments. Coupled together, Tower provides the ability to quickly launch GA4GH WES compatible cloud computing environments for Nextflow pipelines. These developments will further the adoption of GA4GH standards within the Nextflow ecosystem and facilitate workflow collaboration.