Plenary Posters


Please join us for the 12th Plenary poster sessions in the foyer of the Park Hyatt Melbourne’s lower lobby level. These posters showcase the work of GA4GH and other related activities that will enable the responsible, voluntary, and secure sharing of genomic and health-related data for the broader genomics and health community.


  1. GeneGuardian: A dynamic consent platform revolutionising participant autonomy in genomics research
  2. An individual-centric genomics platform: manage your own genome in Japan
  3. Canadian national infrastructure driving development and adoption of GA4GH standards to facilitate national and global interoperability
  4. Variation graph and sBeacon for inclusive population genetics and precision medicine
  5. Development of a GA4GH Beacon for structured clinical data discovery using the OMOP Common Data Model
  6. BeaconUI, a User Interface for sharing ZERO precision  medicine genomic and phenotypic data using GA4GH  Beacon v2 protocol
  7. A Big Bang in the Cat-VRS: development towards a public release
  8. A Preview of VRS 2.0
  9. Whole Genome Sequencing Quality Control Standards
  10. FHIR Molecular Definition: Emerging Clinical Standards and Alignment with GA4GH VRS
  11. GA4GH SDK/CLI: a universal tool for accessing GA4GH environments
  12. A universal toolbox for privacy-enhancing technologies
  13. Crypt4GH support for GA4GH task execution service API implementations
  14. Federated data analysis platform leveraging GA4GH Cloud APIs for secure genomic research
  15. Enhancing ethical governance of genomic data in Australia: the LINEAGE project
  16. GUARDIANS - Advancing human genomics research in Australia
  17. The Australian Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN-AUS): an internationally networked national approach for transforming diagnosis for individuals living with rare diseases
  18. Standardising utility. What is the priority for genomic testing in rare disease?
  19. Incorporating additional findings analysis within routine care: clinicians’ perceived acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility
  20. Mainstreaming of clinical genetic testing: towards a framework
  21. Pharmacogene associated drug reports from over 1 million Yellow Card adverse drug reports in the United Kingdom from 1963-2024
  22. NEWBORN GEN SEQ TRAIL: NEWBORN Genomic Sequencing in Screening: Therapy Ready and Information for Life (TRAIL) study
  23. Privacy-preserving genome data aggregation for under-represented populations: federated gnomAD in China
  24. GA4GH Refget API Sequence collections v 1.0
  25. Applying GA4GH data sharing standards (DUO) to consent for participating in the Australian Reproductive Carrier Screening Study (Mackenzie’s Mission): eliciting the preferences of individuals for future research use of their samples and data
  26. Upskill your data with the GA4GH Clinical & Phenotypic Work Stream
  27. Facilitating global collaboration and standards implementation through the GA4GH Cancer Community
  28. Facilitating global collaboration and standards implementation through the GA4GH Rare Disease Community
  29. Promoting adoption of GA4GH standards through the GA4GH Implementation Forum

Plenary Poster Submission and Session

The submission period for Plenary poster abstracts is now closed. Thank you to those who submitted an abstract. The GA4GH team will be reviewing the submissions and communicating to those who submitted within a few weeks. If you have any questions, please contact Jaclyn Estrin.


Poster session

Participants are invited to submit posters for the GA4GH 12th Plenary meeting to showcase the work of GA4GH and other related activities that will enable the responsible, voluntary, and secure sharing of genomic and health-related data for the broader genomics and health community. Poster applications will be evaluated by GA4GH staff based on scientific merit and relevance to the GA4GH Strategic Road Map.

If you require assistance, please contact Jaclyn Estrin.

Important Dates


Poster submissions due

26 July

Accepted poster presenters are confirmed and will receive further instructions

August to September

Posters are mounted by this date

18 September

Plenary poster sessions

18 September 11:00 to 11:30 

19 September 11:00 to 11:30

Posters are removed by this date and time

20 September 18:00

Poster Guidelines


Please ensure that your poster is oriented vertically (portrait orientation), using the dimensions:  36 inches/90 cm by 48 inches/120 cm for your poster.

Content and design

  • Ensure the poster is readable from distances of at least 3 feet/90 cm
  • Include the title, authors, and affiliations in the heading
  • The content of the poster should be visual and targeted to a general audience


Poster printing will be the responsibility of the presenter. Closer to the Plenary meeting, we will share information about possible printing locations in Melbourne if you would like to print locally.

Poster mounting

You will be assigned a number that will correspond to the location where you will mount your poster. All poster boards will be numbered in advance, and we will share this prior to the meeting. Please mount your poster by 18 September at 9:00 AEST. Posters should remain on the board until the end of the meeting on 20 September. Posters not removed by 18:00 AEST on 20 September will be discarded.